Rutherford Cross is delighted to partner with The Wheatley Group to appoint a new Director of Treasury and a Treasury Manager

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Wheatley is Scotland’s leading housing, care and property-management group and one of the UK’s best-accredited organisations. Owning or managing over 80,000 homes, Wheatley delivers award-winning services to 250,000 people across Scotland. Group subsidiaries are united by a common commitment to excellence in all they do and a joint mission in ‘Making Homes and Lives Better’ for the people they work for and the communities in which they live.

Wheatley and its partner organisations continue each year to win national and international awards and accreditations from organisations ranging from the European Foundation for Quality Management to Investors in People and the UK Government Cabinet Office, which oversees Customer Service Excellence.

To find out more, please visit:

The Opportunities:

Two exciting opportunities have arisen within the Treasury team:

To find out more about the Treasury Manager role, click here.

To find out more about the Director of Treasury role, click here.


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