Ashleigh joined Calnex in February 2020 as CFO and the business later went through an IPO, listing in October 2020, being the first in the Scottish market for two years. Ashleigh previously held the role of CFO at Parsons Peebles. In her early career, Ashleigh qualified with Deloitte before moving on to Transaction Services in KPMG both in Scotland and Australia, then onto into a mix of commercial and group reporting roles and has the breadth of working with SME through to large blue-chip and international companies.
At this exclusive virtual lunchtime session, Ashleigh will share her career journey to date, including some reflections on her decision-making process and motivations which have led her to the role of CFO.
WHEN: 12-1pm Wednesday 20th April 2022 via Teams
To register your interest or confirm attendance, please email